Search Results for scenario planning
Crisis Management PlanningInsignia's expertise in crisis management planning includes reputational risk assessment, scenario planning and crisis management audits and plans.
Scenario PlanningInsignia's expertise in scenario planning means you can be confident that you are ready to respond effectively to emerging crises.
Cyber Crisis PlanningInsignia's cyber crisis management planning will help your organisation to respond quickly and appropriately in the event of an incident or issue.
Case StudiesCrisis management case studies from exercises, training and planning sessions Insignia has run for clients. To learn more about how we can help your business please call +44(0)121 382 5304.
Sue Boxall, Vice President HR, Lundin Mining CorporationInsignia brings professionalism to a critical business issue.
There are few more challenging issues than crisis management and Jonathan and the Insignia team has worked with us as partners to achieve the creation of a sound platform of capability and process on a global basis.
Rachael Bouch, General Manager, Pukka PiesThank you for the really valuable scenario planning workshop you developed and ran for Pukka Pies. We asked you to ensure that our management team was engaged throughout the workshop, and to provide expertise on how to enhance our crisis preparedness. You exceeded our expectations on both counts.
Scenario planningWhen you operate in a high risk sector, it’s important to examine beforehand what you would do if the worst happens.
How to prepare your organization for a terrorist attack Terrorism is never far from the headlines and while the impact on human lives is, of course, the biggest and most important consequence of a terrorist incident, it is not the only one; businesses need to prepare for the potential impacts. Jonathan Hemus looks at five areas to focus on.
Facebook - a lesson in crisis managementOne year on from Cambridge Analytica, Insignia consultant, Jenny Payne, assesses Facebook's crisis management response and the learnings for other organisations faced with a reputational threat
Crisis insights for COVID-19 planningCOVID-19 planning is a focus for many organisations right now so here are some pointers to guide your thinking. Take a look at our COVID-19 Scenario Planning Workshop for further assistance.