

Crisis management planning, training and consultancy
to help you do and say the right thing under pressure


The Crisis Proof Approach

Insignia’s Crisis Proof Approach delivers the foresight, foundations, skills and confidence organisations require to succeed in crisis management. We achieve this through our crisis management planning, training, exercising and consultancy services.

The Crisis Proof Scorecard

Insignia’s Crisis Proof Scorecard benchmarks your organisation against the key principles – Culture; Commitment; Foresight; Foundations; Skills; Confidence – necessary to be crisis proof. Complete the online analysis to identify where you are strong and where to focus attention to ensure crisis readiness.


Crisis Management Services

Crisis management consultancy

Crisis Management Consultancy

When the worst happens you need expert advice to ensure your reputation is protected. Insignia's consultants help to guide clients through issues management challenges and crisis events. Our experienced team give organisations the confidence to do and say the right thing under pressure so that they emerge with their reputation intact. 

Crisis Communication Training

Crisis Communication Training

Hard won reputations (and careers) can be lost by an ill-judged phrase following a major incident. That’s why crisis communication training is essential to ensure you have the knowledge, skills and confidence to say the right thing under pressure in a crisis. Insignia gives people the principles, techniques and practice to communicate effectively when it matters most.


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Winner of Consultancy of the Year at CIR Business Continuity Awards 2023

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Finalists for Specialist Consultancy of the Year at CIR Business Continuity Awards 2020 & 2023

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Finalists in 2023 Great British Entrepreneur Awards: Service Industries category

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Winner Specialist Business Book of the Year 2021 at The Business Book Awards (Crisis Proof)

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Finalists in the Lloyds Bank British Business Excellence Awards 2021: Purpose Before Profit category

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Finalists in the Business Champion Awards 2021: Champions in a Crisis category

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Finalists for Business Advisor of the Year at the 2021 Growing Business Awards

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Shortlisted for BCI Europe Awards 2023: Continuity and Resilience Consultant category
