Navigating issues management challenges
Every organisation faces issues and so it follows that every organisation which cares about its reputation needs issues management. The environment, safety, marketing to children, ethical sourcing, planning, pricing, health, animal testing, off-shoring – the list of potential issues is endless and constantly changing. The way that an organisation manages them can be business critical.
Insignia has the issues management expertise to help you map, monitor and manage issues, before they engulf you or explode into a crisis.
Effective issues management to protect your reputation
Through comprehensive issues mapping methodology and incisive stakeholder analysis, we help you to get to grips with the risk landscape facing your business – the first crucial stage to effectively managing it. Based on this assessment, we can develop a strategy to steer a course through the issues maze to help preserve your reputation.
Insignia’s experienced communication consultants can also craft and implement the tactics – positioning papers, Q&A sheets, template holding statements, factsheets, brochures, on-line content – which will state your case effectively, reaching and influencing key stakeholders in the desired way.
For some clients, we advise and implement on-going issues management programmes to ensure that their reputations are constantly managed and protected. Our goal is to help them shape and influence how they are perceived with regard to the issues they face. A pro-active programme of issues management is almost always more effective in managing reputation than being the passive victim of events.
Issues affect all organisations: some are destroyed by them, while others succeed in managing them. Insignia can provide the issues management expertise to ensure you are in the latter category.