Crisis management team building to enhancing the effectiveness of your team
Insignia’s firm belief based on years of experience is that crisis management plans don’t protect reputation, people do. So crisis management team building to develop the skills and confidence of your crisis management team is a top priority as part of your crisis management training programme.
As well as desktop exercises and crisis simulations, Insignia also offers crisis management team building workshops which help to develop decision-making skills, leadership and team building, all of which are essential for effective crisis management.
All our crisis management team building workshops are tailored to the individual requirements. For those involved in crisis management strategy, we will focus on areas such as leadership, decision-making under pressure and situational awareness. For those nearer the front line, our attention is more on specific roles and responsibilities and how crisis management teams should work and communicate together.
Crisis management team building for better decision making
Based on the client brief and using the expertise of our own crisis communication consultants, management school professors and even the Fire Service, we create and deliver memorable crisis management training events.
Our workshops take people out of the boardroom and focus on building the skills, relationships and trust which are essential for effective crisis management. Tactical decision making exercises, first hand “war stories” from guest speakers, teambuilding games and management training are all ingredients which add up to a stimulating and valuable experience for the crisis management team.
More than that, Insignia's crisis management team building workshops give people the knowledge, skills and confidence they need to do and say the right thing under pressure in a crisis.