Crisis Management Audit
As a high profile organisation engaged in activity which could endanger the public in a worst case scenario, this client already had a crisis communication plan. However, as a responsible corporate citizen it recognised the need for constant review and enhancement to ensure that it continued to meet best practice so they asked us to complete a crisis management audit.
Crisis management planning
We conducted a twin track audit of the crisis management plan by applying our own experience to benchmark it against best practice and a series of one to one interviews with relevant members of staff. The latter allowed us to distil learnings from live incidents and extract knowledge, insights and views which had never before been captured.
Crisis management plan enhancement
The process resulted in a crisis management audit report with recommendations for how the existing crisis communication plan could be enhanced. This was approved by the client and a new version produced. The best of the original plan remains, but through the auditing process a clearer, simpler and more complete plan has emerged which will serve our client better in the event of an incident.