Search Results for crisis prevention

Nike quickly yanks 'Boston massacre' T-shirt, avoiding an uproar

Ragan's article looks at an exemplary illustration of crisis prevention undertaken by Nike's corporate team.

Thomas Cook's crisis management review: vital reading for crisis managers

Why Justin King's report into Thomas Cook's crisis management is essential reading for crisis managers

Why VW's emissions scandal was a crisis waiting to happen

Why VW's emissions scandla was a crisis waiting to happen

Why human error is a barrier to learning crisis management lessons

Why human error is a barrier to learning crisis management lessons

WEBINAR - The Impact of 'Toxic Leadership' On Crisis Management

Insignia’s Jonathan Hemus and Professor Kevin Kelley from the National Security Affairs Department of the US Naval War College discuss the impact of toxic leadership on crisis prevention, planning and management

Why the creation of a crisis-resistant culture is your first step in crisis prevention

There are many steps that an organisation can take to ensure that it is ready to do and say the right thing in the event of a crisis. Crisis management planning, crisis management training, exercising and testing often form the heart of this.

How to run a successful crisis simulation exercise

Crisis management planning is a part of the solution, but even more important is rehearsal. It’s only by experiencing the pressure of a crisis simulation exercise that crisis management teams can truly build skills and confidence to make sound decisions under fire.

Why all businesses should run a social media simulation

Grappling with the challenge of social media – especially for traditional businesses – is difficult given the intense pressure of a crisis which is why a social media simulation can be a good idea as part of your crisis management planning.


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Winner of Consultancy of the Year at CIR Business Continuity Awards 2023

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Finalists for Specialist Consultancy of the Year at CIR Business Continuity Awards 2020 & 2023

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Finalists in 2023 Great British Entrepreneur Awards: Service Industries category

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Winner Specialist Business Book of the Year 2021 at The Business Book Awards (Crisis Proof)

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Finalists in the Lloyds Bank British Business Excellence Awards 2021: Purpose Before Profit category

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Finalists in the Business Champion Awards 2021: Champions in a Crisis category

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Finalists for Business Advisor of the Year at the 2021 Growing Business Awards

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Shortlisted for BCI Europe Awards 2023: Continuity and Resilience Consultant category
